My dad took it :)
If you are doing something, do it properly

Web Counter This if fake


Saturday, April 3, 2010
1 more month and Licences

Today will be exactly 1 month till i enlist into 1 Sir @ 8.30 am at Mandi Hill

And today i pass my TP :WOOT!:
the TP instructer was kinda of an ass....all the way moody moody one.

Will i tot i failed half-way through, because he kept minusing marks for dont know what
and i was about to head back, i did something so stupid.

I nearly change lane inside the yellow box. :haha: I only had 4 hours of sleep. thanks to noise from surviour in my living room, but LUCKY! i realized and kept my line b4 i change.
4:05 PM
Thursday, April 1, 2010
April fool's day and Months of movie

Will today is april fool day and 2 days away from my TP (driving, which make my heartbeat faster just thinking about it)

And list of movie (Release):

Date Night *Steve Carell and Tina Fey, Veterans of Saturday Night Live*
Green Zone
Clash of the Titan
How to train your dragon *3D*
Ju-on Black and white *Last because i know i will be scared shit-less*

Iron man 2 *Die die must watch, even by myself*
Kick Ass *Fuck i hope it M18 (Frank Miller - Created Wanted)*

When i am out of BMT:
TOY Story 3!

but sadly i think i will have to watch by myself or wait for dvd/blu-ray release...because i am a loner.
1:30 AM
Friday, February 26, 2010
List of things to do before Army and after

Before list:
- Play finish this following Games :
Napoleon TW
Heavy Rain
Red Dead Redemation

- Finish my task faster @ work
- Sell away unwanted items

After list:
- Find somethings new
- Throw somethings old out
- Study well
- Stop playing around
- Build a powerfull computer rig
- Get a macbook for school work/ studies :thumbs ups:
(hope got money for a rig and mac :S )

2-3 more post before i go into NS |_| (Rock on @ PLR chalet)
12:01 AM
Sunday, February 21, 2010
CNY house party?

My house became casino from 7pm - 2am 0-0

Played all kind of card games the worst was Small-big? Inbetween? High-low? not sure which is called. The pot max reached $2 ! but my cousin won but luckly i won another pot because my cousin didnt get the card.

My dinning room glass table cracked into half, then broke into many many pieces when every went to see what happened. Total got 4 Minor injury and i am the unlucky 1 out of the 4 ~.~.

Trusting / depending on one, no more
4:20 AM
Monday, December 28, 2009

Bought Lesli,Kok,Wei cong, hui hui and my self a chirstmas present.
Wanted to buy for alice also..but there seems to be a dark cloud over her head? + i think she got a green a Sweat jacket already.

So i am not so selfish one hor. (Pointing at people who say i am cheap. I am but not all the time :S )

:Hope all correct sizes now H:

Day 12th +,

Working at uni qlo had been hellish......once they stop playing the chirstmas music time seems to have slowed down......10 mins felt like 20+ mins to me.

Not much people to talk since one ran away (Lol)..anyway it gonna be a very sian 3 days for me :(

wished that i had done the same thing as the one which ran away (Lol)

+ finally a rare question : "What is love?".
3:14 AM
Monday, December 21, 2009
PS3 Slim +19th ( 9 more months till my birthday again )

Gonna be getting
Got it

Expires on 23/3/2011 :( then have to pay money if any shit happens

Small reminder.... Owe dad 1.3k
2:47 AM
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